

with Letho NASCIMENTO and Anaïs DELATTRE

All levels

Letho Nascimento studied maracatu under Bernadino José and Afonso Chacon Viana, as well as with the candomblé masters Maurico Alves Badé and Alysson Bruno. Based in Paris, he went on to found the Oju Obà company and lead percussion workshops.

Mestre Letho will base his classes on sacred rhythms and their evolution towards popular folk rhythms, thanks to their appropriation by contemporary musicians. From body percussion inspired by the group Barbatuque to the mangue beat rhythms - a combination of traditional and modern music - these inspired fusions contribute to the contemporary patrimony of Brazilian folk music.

In the same way that dance represents the archetypes of the Orishas, this workshop allows each participant to discover the musicality of sacred rhythms linked to each divinity, through a dialogue between the different instruments including the alfaia and timbão drums, the bell and the agbê maracas.