Zia Mirabdolbaghi, born in Iran, studied the tombak and the daf. Professor and doctor of art history, he teaches tombak at the Centre d’Etude de Musiques Orientales in Paris, and at the National Conservatory in Nice. Parallel to this, he performs concerts in Europe and the USA. He distinguishes himself among the tombak and daf virtuosos by his rigorous accompaniment and his great musical culture. He has participated in several recordings, notably in Anthologie de la musique persane, Improvisations.
The tombak, otherwise known as the zarb, is a drum made from the wood of the walnut or mulberry tree, which is covered in the skin of a goat or calf. Drum rolls, embellishments and melodic effects give the tombak innumerable expressive possibilities.
This workshop is aimed at those students who have practised the tombak or other percussion instruments. It will allow them to refine their technique and assimilate successive rhythms on this instrument. Depending on the abilities of each person, exercises will evolve towards a more collective practice with the introduction of one or two pieces.