Saturday 19 November - 11h00


With Habib Yammine

ADEM Montbrillant

Habib Yammine is a Lebanese percussionnist (riqq framed drums and daff) and ethnomusicologist. Based in Paris, he frequently performs with various ensembles and teaches percussion within the framework of the Cité de la Musique.

Workshop programme

The workshop will introduce these different instruments : darbouka, riqq, daff and bendir. It will teach rhythms drawn from Near-Eastern, Arabic and North African traditions following this programme:  

  • Technique of performance relating to the different instruments that are being proposed
  • Understanding the rhythmical cycles by using the syllabic language (dum, tak, taka…)
  • Interpreting a choice of binary, ternary and composed rhythms that illustrate the diverse traditions of the Arabic world
  • Principal of variation and polyrythmic constructions

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November, 11am-1pm and 2.30pm-4.30pm. It is imperative to register before taking part to the workshop.   

Further information