Wednesday 15 March - 20h30


Persian music in the feminine 

MEG - Auditorium 

Sogol Mirzaei: tar, setar
Vahideh Eisaei: qanun
Saghar Khadem: tombak, daf, dayereh

Ambassadors of one of the most beautiful and refined expressions of Iranian culture, the musicians in the Chakam trio open a window onto a musical universe that is both intimate and grand. Sogol Mirzaei, Vahideh Eisaei and Saghar Khadem draw from the sources of traditional Persian music. By mixing improvisations and ancient Persian compositions, their performances unfold according to the codes of radif, a subtle art where rhythmic passages respond to melodic flights. The resonance of the tar and setar lutes and the qanun zither immerses the listener in a profound contemplation, supported by the liberating beats of the percussion. 


Chakam Ensemble