Like the air I breathe, George Ch. Zervas, documentary, 2008, 90', v.o. – st. english
This documentary presents an exploratory, meditative and poetic look at the extraordinary gathering of musicians from the world over, which takes place every summer in Crete. Extracts of the concerts alternate with clips of the workshops and observations from both the maestros and students participating in the Labyrinth Musical Workshop, which is located in the little village of Houdetsi. A timeless musical journey, where those involved listen to one another while respecting each other’s differences – a world away from the conventions of show business.
With Ross Daly, Zohar Fresco, Nayan Ghosh, Mamak Khadem, Mohammad Rahim Khushnawaz, Efrén López, Georgi Petrov, Naseer Shamma, Ballake Sissoko, Tzvetanka Varimezova, Evgenios Voulgaris, Giorgis Xylouris…