
Dhrupad - Saturday 23 January

With Namrata Dentan

Dhrupad is the oldest surviving classical musical tradition in North India. It twas used in the recitation of Vedic hymns, and has gradually developed into an independent art form with its own grammar. Originally sung in temples, it has flourished under the Mughal and Rajput kings.

A Dhrupad concert is divided into two parts of unequal duration : the alap and dhrupad. The alap is the improvisational phase during which the singer develops each note of a raga. The second part is a sung poem. The accuracy of the voice of sound frequencies and micro-tones are the essence of Dhrupad.

Workshop contents :

  • Voice culture - Basic technique to find your original voice and develop a sense of  music
  • What is a raga ? - Introduction to concept of scales in indian music .
  • Introduction to alaap - Alaap is the essence of Dhrupad tradition . Alaap means elaboration on notes
  • Understanding structure of raga.
  • Basic practice elements - Paltas are the exercises to train the vocal chords and build muscles to expand the range of scale.
  • Dhrupad traditional composition .

Namrata Dentan is a Sound artist from New Delhi, India. Trained in Dhrupad( Hindustani Classical Music ) by Gundecha Brothers in India, her contemporary works relate to organic resonance of sounds travelling within the human body.

Sonic reverberations in consonance of trafficking ambience or a still clear conscious must define the musicality subjective to each of our ears differently.

Dhrupad is the style of voice culture which defines precision of sound and micro moving frequencies.

Her Teaching method is focused on vocal training specific to raga culture in Hindustani classical music.

Namrata has been honoured by govt. of india by Bismillah khan award  She has travelled extensively with her work presented at  Lincoln Centre, New York, Musee Guimet in Paris, Cec India 2013, SoundReasons festival in New Delhi, Festival d'Avignon.

Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie - 10, rue de Montbrillant - 1201 Genève
Fridays, from 2.30 to 16.30 pm
60 frs (adem's members 50 frs)

Phone : 079 904 34 12 or  Email  :


1- Alaap - By Namrata Pamnani


GGundesha Brothersundesha Brothers