
Tyrolean Yodelling

With Héloïse Heïdi Fracheboud

This year the begginer's lessons will take place monthly, and the Choir "Yodel Atypique" twice a month.

Yodelling – What is it?

Yodelling is present in many regions around the world and is expressed through a diversity of tones and rhythms. The roots of this technique are interwoven with nature (mountains and forest), as well as with the core of the human being.

Yodelling is when a cry becomes a melody that is sometimes nostalgic and meditative in nature or sometimes joyful and festive. It can be raw just as it can be elegant, yet it always has a common end: to express oneself, to share a part of what moves us and to embody the indescribable.


Learning to sing and yodel is first and foremost about leaning to know and explore one’s internal instrument and then forming a special connection with it. It is about cultivating one’s body and voice and progressively discovering the intimate ties that exist between these different elements.

Classes involve:

  • - Discovering one’s instrument by feeling and listening to the body
  • - Breathing techniques and basic vocal techniques
  • - Discovering the repertoire
  • - Improvisation

As yodelling is a “violent” song style that requires great effort from the vocal chords, it is essential to strengthen them. This is why people who have never had any vocal training, or who have done very little, should not expect to be yodelling from the second class.

Association pour l’atelier, - 7-9 rue des Savoises, 1205 Genève
tUne fois par mois  // Débutants :  samedis de 11h à 13h30 //  Intermédiaire : vendredis de 18h à 20h30 // Avancés :  samedis de 14h à 17h30

Répétitions YodelAtypique  : Les jeudis de 18h15 à 20h45

Cours à Lausanne et à Martigny : Dates sur demande

2h30 de stage mensuel :  Stage d’essai = 80 CHF // Semestriel (5 stages) = 400 CHF // Annuel (10 stages) = 800 CHF

Fracheboud Héloïse Heïdi - 076 473 72 01

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