
Oriental Dance

With Vivian'Adaya

Viviana is trained in many styles of dance and is of Italian-Swiss origin.  Having always been passionate about Eastern dance and melodies, she began training in 1985 with renowned artists, principally of Egyptian and Moroccan origin, before developing her own style.

Viviana organise a workshop with the dancer SAHRA SAEEDA (Los Angeles) in Geneva. Next workshop : From 24 to 27 September. Lecture upon the Dances of Egypt on 24 September.

Flyer du stage

Viviana is trained in many styles of dance and is of Italian-Swiss origin. Having always been passionate about Eastern dance and melodies, she began training in 1985 with renowned artists, principally of Egyptian and Moroccan origin, before developing her own style.

Viviana has been teaching since 1997 in various dance schools in Geneva and has run workshops both in Switzerland and further afield. She regularly organises workshops with famous oriental dancers such as Sahra Sayeeda.

 ADEM 2 - 44, rue des Maraichers - 1205 Genève
Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie - 10, rue de Montbrillant - 1201 Genève

ADEM 2 - Lundis : Débutants - Adultes : de 18h à 19h15 ; 19h15 à 21h : Avancé + Création / Troupe Angelis
Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie : Mercredis : de 17h30 à à 18h45 : Moyen - Adultes & Jeunes  //18h45-20h : Moyen 2 - Avancé
Cours enfants sur demande

Cours : 1 cours de 75 min par semaine : 120 CHF / mois         Etudiants / AVS: 110 CHF / mois
Paiement trimestriel  - Carte de 10 cours: 350 CHF
- Règlement et détails :

Cours privés : renseignements sur demande

078 626 95 02 - Email :

Site internet -  page Facebook :



Fête de la Musique 2012

