

With Manu THERON

Lieu : Maraîchers 2, 44 rue des Maraîchers, 1204 Maraîchers
Horaires : Tous les jours du lundi au samedi - 12h à 13h50 : tous niveaux, 18h à 19h50 : tous niveaux
Cours du lundi : les 2 groupes ensembles de 18h à 19h50

Firmly grounded in his time and fiercely attached to his land, Manu Théron revels in unusual formations and even the avant-garde. Founder of the Cor de la Plana, an ensemble that focuses on reinventing Mediterranean polyphonies, Manu is a collector, arranger and performer, but also the instigator of a new vocal language in the service of a renewed Occitan culture.

This course offers a number of possibilities, including the polyphonies of Macedonia, Piedmont, southern Italy and Occitania. With a constant back and forth between polyphonies and monodies, the workshop aims to map the influences that have formed the new landscape of Occitan song.

1- La Libertat - Le Cor de la Plana


Le Còr de la Plana