With Mayuki IKAWA and Rémi CLEMENTE
Lieu : Parfurmerie 2 - 7, chemin de la Gravière, Genève
Horaires : Tous les jours du lundi au samedi - 18h à 19h50 : tous niveaux
Mayuki was at primary school when she made her debut as a percussionist on the taiko. She successfully continued her training and then became the soloist for the Hibiki group, founded by Master Tamada. She participates in numerous tours and shares her passion with phenomenal energy – just as she did at the 2014 Croisée des cultures.
Listening to your body when learning the taiko is essential. Beginning with a trio piece, this workshop allows for the assimilation of the qualities necessary for this practice: physical endurance, perseverance, collective work, motor skills, notions of personal space and the respect of others. Thanks to the presence of two teachers, both beginners and advanced students can improve their skills on these fascinating instruments.