90.- full price
70.- reduced price*
35.- full price
28.- reduced price*
15.- 20 ans/20 francs card
Younger audience show
14.- adults
8.- children
5.- 20 ans/20 francs card
Cinema (on-site sale)
10.- full price
8.- reduced price*
Gumboot Dance workshop with Sam Tshabalala
CHILDREN: 20.- (20 ans/20 francs card: 15.-)
ADULTS: 35.- (ADEM members: 25.-)
Conference "Talk with Sam Tshabalala"
Free entrance
* ADEM, AMR, Amdathtra, JAM, Musée Barbier-Mueller, POL, SAMEG and Voyages et Culture members // AI, AVS, unemployed, students, apprentice, professionals, côté courrier card
Online ticketing service (cinema excepted) from Monday 27 March 2017.
Service culturel Migros, 7 rue du Prince, Genève (Mon-Fri, 10 am-6 pm), (cinema excepted) from Monday 10 April 2017.
At the Alhambra ticket desk, 90 minutes before the start of the shows.
022 919 04 94
N.B.: no reservation will be taken via emails or phone calls. Thank you for using our online ticketing service or getting your tickets directly at the Service Culturel Migros Genève ticket desk, rue du Prince 7 (Rive).
10, rue de la Rôtisserie - 1204 Genève
Tramways & buses : 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 36, D
Stops : Molard and Bel-Air
ADEM Montbrillant
10, rue de Montbrillant - 1201 Genève
By train : 2 minutes walk from Geneva-Gare Cornavin Station.
Tramways & buses : 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 25, 61, F, V, Z.
Stop : Gare Cornavin
African flavours by Mimi Douman
Bar & food from 7 pm