Saturday 20 May - 21h00


Female afro-urbanism (Senegal)


Mamy Kanouté: vocals, percussion
Noumoucounda Cissokho: kora, backing vocals
Hervé Samb: guitar, backing vocals
Thérèse Henri: bass
Jon Grancamp: drums
Charly Amadou Sy: turn table, soundtrack

Their names are Mamy Kanouté and Ngnima Sarr – one is Mandingo, the other Serer. These two Senegalese artists came together to create a sound that melds traditional and urban music. This vision is driven by a collective of musicians, videographers and photographers called the Women Groove Project, which supports female creativity in Senegal. Mamy Kanouté, a singer in Baaba Maal, is also a member of African Divas. Dakar-born Ngnima Sarr lives in Paris where she cultivates her poetic rap, mixing jazz, soul and blues with African influences. Women Groove Project works together across all tempos and times, in diverse expressions of femininity, and far off the beaten track: a singular and rich experience.

+ DJ BLACK VOICES, pan-african vinyl sounds from the 60s to today, to open and close the festivities!


Women Groove Project: Mamy et Ngima, génératrices de good vibes