The producer
The festival "Les Routes de l'Inde - Musique, Danse et Cinéma de l'Inde du Nord" is produced by the Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie (ADEM). Founded in Geneva in 1983, the Ateliers is a cultural association dedicated to world music and dance. Throughout the year, the Ateliers offers concerts and festivals, lessons and courses, as well as activities for young people. The Ateliers also produces books and CDs and supports migrant musicians who live in the region.
The partners
Musée Rietberg (Zurich), Plateau libre (Neuchâtel), Notes d'équinoxe (Delémont), Librairie Payot, Centre Accueil Genève Internationale (CAGI), Transports Publics Genevois (TPG), Activités Culturelles de l'Université de Genève, Alhambar, Reporters sans frontières
The Media partners
Le Courrier, Vibrations, Espace 2,
The collaborations
Musée d’ethnographie de Genève (MEG), Haute Ecole de Musique (HEM), Association for the promotion of Indian Cinema (APIC)
The institutional supports
Ville de Genève, République et Canton de Genève, Loterie Romande, fonds culturel Sud
Programming, French texts : Laurent Aubert
Programming in collaboration : Paul Grant
Production : Eve Hopkins, Zoya Anastassova
Communication : Alexis Toubhantz
Administration : Nicole Wicht
English translation : Emma Johnson
Workshop : Astrid Stierlin
Sound : Hans Fuchs
Technical direction : Liliane Tondelier
Cash desk : Floriano Tamagni
Films projection : Cédric Caradec
Graphics : Tassilo
Photos : Liliane de Tolédo, Aurélien Bergot, M. Lebastard, Edith Nicole, d.r.
Special thanks :
Patrik Dasen, Indian Association Geneva, Jeanne Miramon-Bonhoure, Ravi Gopalan Nair, Venkatraman Narasimhan, Liliane de Tolédo, Jeffrey Hodgson, Krishna Duddukuri, Sachin Sharma