Tribute to Ustad Asad Ali Khan
Due to an ailing health, Ajit Singh will not play on Friday the 14th. He will be replaced by Philippe Bruguière at rudra-vina, Paul Grant at Surbahar and Pandit Dalchand Sharma at Pakhavaj.
Philippe Bruguière : vichitra-vina
Paul Grant: surbahar
Pandit Dalchand Sharma : pakhavaj
Ali Zaqi Haider : rudra-vina
Pandit Dalchand Sharma : pakhavaj
This evening is a tribute to Ustad Asad Ali Khan, one of the great masters of the vina. He was a discrete, traditional musician and exacting in his practice. His public appearances were rare, even if he had the chance to perform worldwide.
In honour of his memory, two remarkable performers will play two different types of vina: Ajit Singh on the vichitra-vina, an instrument where melodies are produced by sliding an agate ball on the strings. Ali Zakir Haider, the master’s son, will play rudra-vina and be accompanied by his father’s old percussionist.
Concerts recorded by Espace 2