The popular opera of the Red River
Trân Thi Thúy Hanh, Nguyên Thi Thu Huing, Ta Thi Kim Liên, Lê Thu Hang : actrices
Trân Van Hai, Nguyên Tuân Kha : acteurs
Ngô Thi Quam, Doàn Thanh Binh : chanteuses
Pham Van Doanh : flûtes saó
Lê Van Thiêt : vièle dàn nhi
Nguyên Van Hoà : luth en forme de lune dàn nguyêt
Lê Xuân Diêu : monocorde dàn bâu
Vu Thi Thanh Tâm : cithare dàn tranh, tambour trông com
Nguyên Minh Chí : tambour trông trâù
The Hát chèo, ‘comic singing’, is a popular theatre that originated in the Red River delta in the north of the country. It is considered as the most ancient form of Vietnamese opera. Its repertoire is essentially comic and satirical, based on traditional legends.
A little like the comedies of Molière, the Hát chèo has conserved its function of social critique, denouncing reprehensible behaviour in caustic and mocking language to immediate comic effect.